Soil Health, BioAS Technology and Agricultural Sustainability

Class Registration period Period of the course
1st December 11-31 / 2023 January 01 to January 28 /2024
2nd January 29th to February 4th / 2024 February 5 to March 3 / 2024
3rd March 4th to 10th /2024 March 11-31 /  2024
4th April 1 to 7 / 2024 April 8th to 28th / 2024
5th April 29th to May 5th / 2024 May 6th to 26th / 2024
6th May 7 to June 2 / 2024 June 3rd to 23rd / 2024
7th June 24th to 30th / 2024 July 01-28, /2024
8th July 29th to August 4th / 2024 August 5 to 25 / 2024
9th August 26 to September 01/2024  September 2nd to 22nd /  2024
10th September 23-29 / 2024 September 30 to October 27 / 2024
11th October 28th to November 3rd / 2024 November 4th to 24th / 2024
12th November 25 to December 01 / 2024 December 2nd to 22nd / 2024

Number of vacancies: Unlimited

Reach: International

Workload: 20 (twenty) hours per class

Modality: Distance learning

Target Audience: Technicians, Students, Teachers, Extension Workers and Rural Producers.

General Objective: To train Technicians, Students, Teachers, Extension Workers and Rural Producers in the technology of BioAs Soil Health.

Module 1 - Soil Health and Agricultural Sustainability
Module 2 - Embrapa BioAS Technology
Module 3 - How to Maintain Healthy Soils - PART 1
Module 4 - How to Maintain Healthy Soils - PART 2
Module 5 - How to Maintain Healthy Soils - Part 3